Thursday, August 30, 2012


Something has been going on with me as of late.  I keep having the itch to write a blog again and so here I am.  I've just got to scratch it.  I continue to miss the good old days of earlier blogging and all of the wonderful friends I have met here. 

Things have changed in all of our lives in one way or the other.  Life goes on with its ups and downs and ins and outs.  Some are living in the same place as when I first began to write.  Others have moved.  Some have moved  several times.  I've managed to keep up with all of those that I became close to for the most part, with the exception of the one across the big pond and I still wonder about her from time to time.  I tried to find her a couple of months ago, however, she seems to have all but
completely disappeared.  I hope that one day we will find one another again if it is God's Will and I hope her life has improved in all the most important and meaningful ways that she has prayed for, as with all of the others. 

It has been a very busy and full last couple of years.  I have groaned and grown.  I have had to stretch, but by God's good Grace, I haven't snapped.  I have had some very powerful hits and that was one reason I had to stop.  They were overwhelmingly powerful and writing, only seemed to keep me from every getting the break I so desperately needed to catch my breath and pray so I could really hand it over to our God.  That I did, for the most part.  I certainly do have my times and moments where I try to grab back as old habits never completely die till we do just about, however, in my
change of prayer time, I have seemingly grown so close to our Lady, that she gently touches my shoulder and heart and seems to say.."Slow down..come back, don't you remember our time together?"  It is really sweet and I love her and I appreciate her time for me.  God is amazing how He created those in Heavens, especially like our Mother and her Son to be able to spread their love all around, individually, collectively, anywayingly...ha ha..still trying to create words, that are in no dictionary that I know of! (Spell check did not like my new word either)  :)

So, now, I get to try and decorate this page, but not right now.  For now, it just feels nice to be here.


  1. Welcome back, dear blogging friend. and I love the new word "anywayingly."
    Good one. Just left my son John at the airport. I'll have to write more about that later

  2. Hey girlfriends! :) Its good to be back. I already heard an amazing story that I hope to retell on here tomorrow..very different..very true. Anyway..that's for tomorrow...I hope.
    Rosemary, my heart is with know that. A loving soft warm hug for my momma friend.

  3. Aloha, darling. Just click on my name and follow me to where I'm at on the blogsphere. Love to you.

  4. Morning, Ms. Hawaii! ;) Thanks..I remember that now..ha!

  5. Hey! I should start again too, but I have too much else to do these days! I will try to keep up with you here though! Love ya! (Hey girls!)

  6. Hey! Oh, I know you are becoming Ms. Busy Bee...just don't get too busy for us here! ;)
    I am reminded of the song..Make new friends, but keep the is silver and the other gold! LOL! Just kiddin..I know you won't. Hugs!
    Have a fun and full life, Alexa!
