Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Birthday ...NICE!

Its the next day and I'm still in my 50's..lol!  Its funny, I haven't fretted much about my birthdays, which is probably because I fret about (in my head) all year about getting older and by the time the day arrives.  Oh well, no biggie!  Ha ha!

It was a great day and I was really blessed.  It started with a breakfast prepared by Teresa and David.  Then it went onto finding out Danny had given me some sweet African Violets...which ..good luck on that, Momma!  Haha! 

Later, I just sat around and people seemed to be swarming around me..doing laundry,
cleaning up the kitchen, and I allowed it to just happen.  I knew it was a gift for me and if I was quiet and allowed it, they'd feel good about it, so, I let it be! 

I had a meeting with my al-anon sponsor at 3 pm and went to her house.  She is a really gracious gal and poor thing, she had awakened to a flooded basement and almost had forgotten our meeting, but she put all aside and said.."Come on in!"  She proceeded to fix me some ice water and we had a good hearted chat for about an hour.
I felt very blessed for her time. 

After coming home, I found Teresa had whipped up a mouth watering chocolate cake and icing and she, Crista, and David, had left to go shopping.  Shane had left with a
"Happy Birthday..Momma and I love you!"  for work.  Danny was still doing odds and
ends for me.  So sweet.

Soon it was time to hop over to the Cracker Barrel for those who could join me for a
meal.  Along with those three kids and Danny, my sister, Shirley and her husband,
Jack, came along too.  It was loud and fun and we all ordered something different. 
The kid had me open the gifts they had there.  All day, (as many of you know) I
thought of our David in Heaven surprising me in someway, but I hadn't had that
experience all day and I wasn't particularly upset, having some beautiful blessings
going on lately..it was like everyone was there in spirit..he, included.  Then it happened!

Crista and Teresa had separated in the shopping center that they had went to earlier.
Teresa who really gets the "David" encounters on holidays and such..just like I ..in a big way, saw the movie..The Wizard of Oz...knowing we don't actually have a copy
and because I had not mentioned anything of David all day, decided to get that.  She later found Crista, who had purchased the book, Heaven Is For Real, about a little boy who went to Heaven and returned.  The big thing, though, was she went to get a
card for them all to sign and she told us at the table..."This literally was the very first
card I pick up!"  She was pretty freaked out. 

The card she picked was a general pretty birthday card for a Mom with a lovely flower
on it.  She opened it up to finish reading and said.."I had no idea it was even a music card!'  She opened it up and up popped (Alexa, are you ready?!)  Yep!  IZ's version
of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"  !!!  Crista went blank..she could not believe it!
When she found Teresa in the store, they both broke out laughing!  Then, of course,
I am at the table now, at C.B. and holding it between Danny's ear and mine before
she told the whole story and I hear the tune and we both just fell apart cracking up!
Its just AMAZING!

Now, if that is not enough...Teresa's fiance, David, had to return home after the meal.
He lives south of here, as I have mentioned.  We get home and about 40 minutes later,
she gets a text with a photo on her phone.  Want to know what it is?!  Not a bird,
not a plane..but a RAINBOW he encountered on his way home from Bloomington!
Now, David, is clearly in awe!  Oh wow...Dear Lord God Almighty!

Shane came home from work, toting a beautiful bouquet of white roses!  He said..
"Happy Birthday from Grandpa too!"  I looked at him quizzically and said.."Oh how
beautiful What do you mean, Grandpa?  Shane said...."Well, I was in the store...I just looked at the roses and grabbed the white ones.  As I was walking back to the car,
I was wondering why white ones, myself?? Then I had this quick vision in my head
and I knew it was from Grandpa.  The quick vision was of the small white rose bush
that he had Dad plant outside in the front yard that Father Charlie gave to him after
Grandma Mimi had died.  They are also from Grandpa..he wanted to give them to you!"

Oh, my Lord!  The thing about this is, my son was only a tiny boy when all of this
happened..I am not at all clearly sure how he could have even remembered the white
rose bush (it didn't last long ..it didn't make it).  So, folks..take what you can use and
leave the rest, as they say..I'll take it all..Heaven is alive..Heaven speaks and some-
times we see Heaven. 

Thank you Trinity and Blessed Mother for a precious birthday.  Amen

1 comment:

  1. I'll take it all today. This post made me cry. Heaven IS for real and our loved ones just break through sometimes and let us know. So happy for you!
